Pensilina a sbalzo reticolare
Pensilina a sbalzo progettata su misura completa di pannelli di copertura e velette. Superficie di copertura di circa 300 mq, con un’estensione di 12x25 metri. Struttura portante in carpenteria metallica zincata a caldo con copertura in pannelli sandwich dallo spessore 40+40 mm e finiture bianco/grigi.Progetto
Malgrate (LC)
Azienda Privata
From design, to supply, to installation: Deltabi Costruzioni has carried out a work of realization and design of a reticular cantilever roof for a customer located in Malgrate (LC). Custom design, with supply of materials and installation of the project on site. The canopy is also equipped with cover panels and canopies. The covered area is 12x25 meters equal to about 300 m². The supporting structure is made of hot-dip galvanized metal carpentry and the covering is made of sandwich panels thickness 40+40 mm white and grey. The coverings, on the other hand, are made of sandwich panels in white and grey finishes. The functionality of the sandwich panels is found in the lightness of the materials and in the greater resistance to any type of force, which is bending or a general impact. While hot galvanizing is a manufacturing process that allows the metal to receive greater resistance thanks to a zinc casting over it. This process allows for greater durability.